The zone of proximal development means a space between the current development and the potential development of the kids. 所谓“最近发展区”是指儿童现实发展水平和潜在发展水平之间有一个因人而异的发展空间。
Conclusion The proximal of the thenar space is close, the visualization of the fascial spaces of hand can provide some guidance for imaging diagnosis and surgical treatments. 结论鱼际间隙的近端为盲端,掌中间隙的远端分为3个小间隙,手掌部筋膜间隙的可视化研究对该区域疾病的影像学诊断和外科手术具有重要意义。
Some of mitochondria in proximal tubule appeared decreased volume and intercristal space, and increased electron density of matrix. 肾近曲小管多数线粒体体积缩小,内腔皱缩,嵴模糊,基质电子密度增高。
Method Metacarpophalangeal ( MCP) and proximal interphalangeal ( PIP) joints of 42 RA patients and 40 healthy volunteers were examined by high frequency ultrasonography. The thickness of the synovial membrane were measured. The tendon, width of joint space, bone were observed. 方法RA患者42例,健康志愿者40名,分别应用高频超声观察双手掌指关节和近端指间关节,测量滑膜厚度,检测有无肌腱、关节腔和骨质病变。
DICOM [] Image Browser software was used to measure the radial inclination of the proximal end of the ulna, medial and lateral cortical bone thickness, and coronary diameter of medullary space respectively. 采用DICOM[]版影像浏览器软件进行测量,分别测量尺骨近端桡偏角(α),内外侧皮质厚度,髓腔冠状径。